Kung Jaadee

Kung Jaadee

Haida Stories  Author and storyteller Kung Jaadee shares famous Haida legends about Raven (Yaahl), the creator of the world, and their universal teachings. Enjoy the stories of “Raven Brings the Water,” Raven’s Brings the Light” and “Raven’s Feast.” She also shares...
Rukhsana Khan

Rukhsana Khan

Stories for Building Bridges  Critically-acclaimed author and storyteller Rukhsana Khan shares inspirational, behind-the-scenes stories from her highly acclaimed books. Students will hear stories from her childhood and learn about her inspiration and writing process....
Sitar Fusion

Sitar Fusion

The Great Medieval Traveller Sitar Fusion promotes cultural diversity and understanding through music and dance. Their interactive performance follows the journey of the great medieval traveller Ibn Battuta, who famously walked through Morocco to places like Turkey,...
Squirrel Suit Productions

Squirrel Suit Productions

The ADHD Project Storyteller/Comedian Carlyn Rhamey shares the trials and triumphs of growing up with ADHD and learning to embrace what makes us different. From her diagnosis and placement in a segregated classroom to navigating her “superpower” now as an adult, this...
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