Work With Us! 


Njacko Backo running a percussion workshop - showing a student proper hand placement

Are you a performing artist with a passion for reaching young people through the performing arts?

Prologue Performing Arts is seeking professional performing artists to join our 2025-26 roster of artists working in schools and communities across Ontario. 

In this blog post, we break down some of the criteria we look for, explain how the selection process works, and shed some light on what it is like to work with us.


We are looking for unique work that adds to the diversity of Prologue’s current and future programming (art form, discipline, content and themes, intended grade-levels and curriculum connections). We also look at artistic excellence and impact in terms of creativity, technical skill, cultural relevance and production quality.

Be sure to take a look at our current company of artists!

Joaquin Nunez and Rumberos play on stage at a school

Appropriate for intended audience (grade level, curriculum content): Be specific about your intended audience. If your program can be adapted for different grade levels, please include information about this. If the program is suitable for all ages, please explain how.

Work that addresses topics/issues that are relevant to school audiences and educators, enhances the school curriculum, and explores relevant educational topics (such as social justice, mental health and well-being, equity and inclusion, FNMI studies, FSL studies, for example):

Prologue is an arts education organization. We offer performances and workshops that are not only entertaining but have educational value. In order to bring a program into a school, most booking coordinators (typically teachers or principals) will be looking for a direct curriculum connection, often not directly related to the artistic genre.

Production is accessible to schools (cost to schools, technical requirements, artist availability through the year): Take a look through our artist pages. You can find pricing information on each artist page under ‘Booking Details’ and technical information under ‘Teacher Resources’. This will give you an idea of what is feasible when coming up with your artist fee.

Artist/company is available to tour within and outside of the Greater Toronto Area: Prologue works with schools, communities, and venues all over Ontario. We are looking for artists who can perform all across the GTA and beyond!

Available support materials and opportunities to enhance the performance (e.g. Q & A, study guides, workshops): If you have any support material, be sure to include it in your application. If you do not yet have support material such as a study guide for your program, that’s alright. If you are selected to join Prologue’s company of artists, we can advise you on how to create one.


Tip! Provide lots of detail when descibing your performance in the application form. The description should paint a clear picture of what the performance or workshop is and what it is like to experience it. If the programming committee feels that your application is incomplete, it may be overlooked.


 Selection Process

Prologue works with the Programming Committee to review all artist submissions. We bring together education, arts, and community members outside of Prologue to provide input and expertise on the artists and artist companies that are welcomed to our company of artists each year.

We may contact you to arrange for the committee to preview your program if possible to do so in person. If an in-person viewing is not possible, we may arrange a virtual preview or ask for a video submission.

The committee will meet a few times over the winter before making the final decisions in late April, 2025.

Prologue's Program Advisory Committee

Working With Us

Prologue artists perform in schools, communities, and sometimes public venues throughout the school year. We also have some opportunities throughout the summer such as camps and our annual summer series, Summer Arts Break.

We ask that artists are available for Prologue programming for a minimum of six weeks throughout the year.

Prologue is a province-wide organization so there will likely be opportunities for you to visit communities far and wide.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Programming and Outreach Manager Bremely Karthigesu at [email protected]